Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Journal #8: Unethical Advertisements

1. United Colors of Benetton

By choosing a model whose bruise matches the color of the sweater your advertising, and by using a massive problem such as domestic abuse as a platform to advertise their stores, UCB exploited this model, as well as all victims of domestic abuse.

2. Burger King

The model and the sandwich are clearly bringing to mind a sexual act--this is made apparent by the tag line "It'll blow your mind away!" and the suggestive name "The Super Seven Incher." This is blatantly sexist and inappropriate.

3. Modern Family

The racist voice-overs of the actors onto the Asian babies is exploitative of the babies and wildly stereotypical of all Asian nationalities. While it's poking fun at this kind of advertising, it also illustrates why we perform exercises like journal.

4. Carl's Jr.

Not only does this ad connect women to food (a crazily sexist ideal), but it also exploits the female body and places something overtly sexual and almost pornographic on public television.

5. Diet Coke

While this is considerably less scandalous than the above ad, this ad is still exploitative--just of the male body rather than the female body. It uses sexuality to see a product.

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