Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Journal #9: Drawings, Charts, and Graphs

#1: Caption

#2 Textual Citation

#3 Table with text
#4 Flow chart
#5 Organizational chart
#6 Concept chart
#7 Framed in objects
#8 Bar graph
#9 Line graph
#10 Pie chart
#11 Pictograph
#12 Inaccurate graphic (if one box is 5%, how do seven boxes equal 90%?)
#13 Unethical graph (it looks like you ought to trust it, but really, it's just a bee messing with some numbers)
#14 Line drawing
#15 Call-outs
#16 Blown up graphic
#17 Lines indicating motion
#18 Boundaries
#19 Graphic showing texture
#20 Silhouette

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